#102 Game Car Model

Game ready (for mobile and PC):
For exterior: 12474 tris.
Texture size: 1024*1024 Diffuse Map, Normal Map, Ambient Occlusion Map.
For interior: 26100 tris.
Texture size: 1024*1024 Diffuse Map, Normal Map, Ambient Occlusion Map.
Mesh format - FBX, Unity Package*
Created for special order by blueprints, but model can have many differences from real car model.

Separated steering wheels and workable guages.
Glowed buttons and interior details.
Interiors have a separated materials, you can change all colors in interiors.
For exterior UVW maps and Ambient Occlusion created in Substance.
Glass is separated.
If you want to get the models, please contact to us by form or write on our buisness mail phasequad@gmail.com for more information.
*Unity Package contains all needed materials, prefabs and textures. We also can prepare the package for Unreal Engine.